Sunday, 14 May 2017


偶尔潇洒的突发改地点(原本plan了几个星期要去The Starling -.-),
突如其来的久违见面就是爽 :3
可是为什么每次要出街的时候头发都那么bad hair day =.=
(昨天整天在家good hair day wtf)
不过也好这一次没那么手残, 轻手了把眉毛画得不像每次那样蜡笔小新 -.-

就是喜欢发咱们一日司机(shikei a.k.a. sakai)你的囧照, 怎样 :p

(我算不算是eyebrows on fleek? XD)

...这张我无言 不丑也不美 -.-

两个家伙偏要坐在有被转转寿司围绕的座位 -.- @Sushi Zanmai :D


my fake long & slim legs
fake height
real brows
ft. my lovely bottle w/ tea (definitely not urine)
& Sakai's awkward cut out part

(我们两只都好乖没乱买 XD)

Myeongdong ttopokki
(讲真的RM7.20 incl. GST 真的不值, 太少)

Matcha Ice Cream @Nana's Green tea
(Peiwen's treat . Tq ily <3)

我知道你很爱我也很爱我电话的相机 :3

之后两只走了先回家提早庆祝母亲节了, 留下我自己逛逛等家人来 -.-
所以一定会买点东西... (这不是借口 T_T)
最后刚好Mother's Day促销当然要趁这次难得的机会啦~~~ <3
mother's day present lurrr :DDD
(看到老妈开心害羞讲谢谢的样子就开心了 :3)
严重任性花钱... 不过也值 (至少不是乱卖化妆品 不然老妈一定碎碎念)
buy1free1(RM42) ; buy5free5(RM25.95)
@The Face Shop


(: Advanced Mother's Day Celebration :)
@Robataya · Izakaya 炉端や
Scallop & Unagi skewer/yakitori (串烧)
Raw scallop(i forgot name)
Volcano Sushi Roll(?)
(idk maybe skewer is only for bbq lamb? aiya watever ideky lmao)

I guess 串烧 is their most popular dish
One prawn with Mentai Sauce
& another is without Mentai Sauce
(actually i prefer original XD)

Tsukiji Don <3 (+ miso soup as side dish)
(Sushi rice topped with sashimi, raw prawn, raw scallop & salmon roe)
Not bad, RM38 before GST 6%.. quite full for my huge appetite
(maybe before that I've had green tea ice creaM? idk lol)

Saturday well spent <3
差不多10小时 穿着3cm隐藏增高鞋垫的boots...
要垮了 XDDD


kbye :)
will update soon.....or after a long long long time