Sunday, 27 June 2021

[DENTAL] Wisdom Teeth Extraction Surgery, Recovery Week & Stitches Removal Experience

*This may be a long & detailed blog post, you can also watch my vlog for my experience if you're too lazy to read. Feel free to check it out*

πŸ’œ -> Part 1 vlog: Wisdom Teeth Extraction & Recovery Week <- πŸ’œ

πŸ’œ -> Part 2 vlog: Wisdom Teeth Extraction Stitches Removal <- πŸ’œ

πŸ’œ -> Vlog Week: Braces Journey + What I Eat in A Week for My Braces <- πŸ’œ

πŸ’œBlog post about "Things I've learned from my wisdom teeth extraction & post-wisdom teeth removal recovery" -> here <- πŸ’œ


❗Gentle reminder: There may be some graphic content which might be uncomfortable for some of you. Kindly read at your own risk. Thank you πŸ˜œπŸ˜…❗


I never knew I had wisdom teeth until I went for X-Ray & teeth molding prior my braces journey.

Left side = right side of my teeth; vice-versa

Both the bottom wisdom teeth are grown horizontally under the gums & pushing my molars (big teeth at the back of mouth). If they're not extracted, it might affect my future molar teeth's health (a.k.a. cavities & have to extract them off if badly affected!) as the food debris are gonna stuck at the gaps between the wisdom tooth & the molar.

My dentist, Dr. Chee (a very gentle, nice & experienced dentist, who's always fully booked and you have to book her appointment at least a month earlier) from White Perfect Dental Clinic (Yu Lek branch) referred me to a specialist for surgery due to the condition of the wisdom teeth. The specialist clinic - Wong Dental Specialist Clinic (Dr. Wong Foot Meow) is located at the KL CBD.

After my scaling & fillings appointment with Dr. Chee , I called the dental clinic & asked for the price. The reception asked how many teeth I wanted to extract & told me the price for it. My appointment was straight away made at 2pm on the next day of my call ❗You are required to have someone to accompany/fetch u to the clinic because the sedation will make you drowsy & unable to care for yourself after the surgery ❗ The price was RM3500 for 4 teeth (2 upper & 2 lower) including all the medicines, sedation, post-surgery X-ray and post-surgery consultation fees.

I've did all the research the whole night to prepare for my big day (my 1st & biggest surgery in my life). All I can find on Google & dental forums searches was the terrifying side effects (temporary/permanent numbness, loss of taste/touch caused by nerve damage, bone destruction, dry socket, jaw pain, DEATH caused by heavy bleeding) and the pain + swollenness you have to suffer a week after the surgery. There's only 2 blog posts about this dental specialist clinic & they were already 10 years ago (common comment: bad service from the reception & impatient Dr.).


The traffic flow was super smooth (maybe cos of the pandemic, employees are only allowed to work from home & no dine-ins are allowed), which is very unusual because KL CBD is always congested with vehicles & pedestrians. I arrived 5 minutes earlier, but the clinic was not even open yet & no one was answering the call, nor the doorbell, because they're having a lunch break from 12pm-2pm. I called them at 2.05pm & they apologized as they were having lunch at the back & couldn't heard anything.

The reception (an elderly woman, looks like Dr. Wong's wife) gave me a leaflet for post-surgery advices & explained some of them to me. Dr. Wong looks like he's in his 50s, English speaking & patiently answering my questions and concerns about the surgery. After consulting the doctor & understanding how the procedure works (usually lasts less than 45 minutes), Dr. Wong gave me IV sedation through my right hand's back's vein, which I couldn't feel any pain at all from the thin needle poking (not a GA, general anesthesia that'll make me fully asleep, but the partial one which I can still feel everything happening in my mouth & able to give responses). There's 3 nurses (1 Malay kakak, 2 Chinese & 1 of them looks like Doctor's daughter) helping the dentist out. I don't really remember the exact details of the whole surgery procedure, but all I can feel was the tools plucking out my upper teeth easily, then Dr. Wong telling me he'll separate my bottom teeth (cos they're too huge to even get it whole out from my gums), then the next second, I can feel the sickle probe (hook tool) opening my mouth wider & elevator/luxators (machine sound) cutting and breaking my teeth into smaller parts. I couldn't relax & try to sleep during the whole procedure, but when I wanted to do so, the surgery is completed (I can't even feel them doing any stitches to my gums or I actually felt it but I've totally forgotten about it after that). For a few times while resting, I was touching my chins & lips cos they're itchy. It feels like a silicone balloon & I thought they laid something on my mouth, but turns out it's the numbness after surgery made myself can't even feel my own tongue, lips, jaw & chin LOL. The whole procedure lasts 15-20 minutes.

After the surgery when I got down from the surgical bed, I couldn't stand properly cause of the drowsiness & my sights are very blurred, almost like you're drunk and almost gonna K.O.. The Malay nurse kakak held my arms & brought me to the waiting area. Guess what? I was high af & keep talking about random shits (my bf told me how high I was after my anesthesia was all gone). My cheeks are kind of swollen & wounds were still bleeding so they gave me cotton gauze to bite on to stop the bleed. My bottom left cheek has a slight pain. I was prescribed with antibiotics & anti-swelling pills that have to be completed full course, sleeping pill just in case I wasn't able to sleep, Ponstan (Mefenamic acid) to treat pain, some mouth wash to rinse gently start from 2nd day ❗not GARGLE❗ & extra cotton gauze for replacements throughout the day. I didn't sleep at all for the whole car ride when returning home & was constantly taking pictures of my teeth LOL.


*1st & 2nd pic: post-surgery heavy bleed on cotton gauze, lips were dry & red
*3rd pic: changed to new gauze immediately in car
*4th pic: still can see jaw line & no swollen cheeks



I took 2 hours nap Required to sleep on an elevated pillow for the wound, so I placed another pillow below the one that I usually slept on & couldn't sleep back anymore after that, but my whole body was still very tired & there's no signs of serious swelling on my cheeks. I've changed the cotton gauze twice before I took my nap & twice again after I woke up from my nap before my dinner.


*1st pic: cotton gauze changed after woke up from nap
*2nd pic: tried to sleep back but couldn't, change a new one again
*3rd pic: last cotton gauze I use (left: right teeth bleeding condition, right: left teeth bleeding condition)

I can't eat anything other than warm watery food ❗NOT HOT❗, like porridge and some cold desserts, like ice cream (recommended by doctor to soothe the pain and swell). My right gums are not constantly bleeding anymore (can be seen from the brown color blood clot on the gauze), but my bottom left one is still bleeding (dark to bright red blood on gauze). I WhatsApp the clinic at 6pm (30 minutes after they closed, but I've totally forgotten it's over their operating hours) & asked about my concern but they never replied, but after my dinner time, Dr. Wong himself called back to me around 10pm and told me it's all normal to bleed but should stop bleeding after changing a few times of the gauze. My gums never bleed anymore after I ate my porridge & I can taste the food already (tongue not numb anymore). I couldn't bite anything at all cause my gums are swollen (didn't happen to my cheeks yet).


*1st pic: injection mark
*2nd pic: my meal for the rest of the week - porridge

10pm, 6 hours post-surgery: Right part upper lips not numb anymore, slowly in 30minutes, whole right lips, cheeks, jaw & chin back to normal. I can feel the slight pain only if touched the cheeks near the wounds.

2am, 10 hours post-surgery: Left part upper lips not numb anymore, but side cheeks & lower chin are still numb.




Both of my cheeks are super swollen (as told by Dr. previously) even though I've taken the anti-swelling pill, but there's no pain at all, only discomfort caused by the swollen gums staying in the middle of both my upper & lower teeth. It was very hard & inconvenient for me to bite on the Bitewing while I'm doing the panoramic X-ray (even the kakak nurse also said that my cheeks are super swollen πŸ˜‚πŸΉ).

*2nd pic: (left) sedation injection, (right) anti-swelling injection

Dr. Wong spontaneously gave me an anti-swelling injection after seeing my cheeks condition & the needle's so much thicker & painful than sedation's 😨. And I told him about my numbness on my left lips & chin is still going on. He tested with a sickle probe (a sharp tool) & turns out there's a 50 cent size (old RM0.50 coin) of numbness at that area. So, he prescribed me with Neurobion, Vitamin B (B1,B6,B12) to be consumed for 20 days, twice a day to heal the temporary damaged nerve (caused by the bottom left wisdom teeth being very near to the nerve), usually will take 6 weeks to heal completely 😱😨.


RECOVERY WEEK (2nd-6th day)
I made tiramisu cake a day before the extraction which is a great timing to eat my cake for this whole recovery week. Cold food, especially ice cream, cake & milk tea makes me and my gums happy. My 3 times of meal a day is only porridge & 1 dessert time with TIRAMISU CAKE 🀎🀍/ milk tea.



*1st pic: just woke up swollen af face
*2nd pic: after dinner's face
*3rd pic: sweet potato porridge (lunch & dinner)
*4th pic: my tiramisu cake..1st piece of cake from container is always so freakin' ugly

3RD DAY: Peak swelling day.
Feels like it's as swollen as 2nd day, but it's on both sides this day.


*1st pic: Dessert time - Tiramisu cake after porridge
*2nd pic: Supper - Salmon fish squished into baby size, made by bf
*3rd pic: Only doing ice pack on 4th day πŸ˜‚ cos the swelling is not getting better at all
*4th pic: After cold-compressed cheeks
*5th pic: Right cheeks swollen again after dinner

5TH DAY. Green bruises starts forming on right cheeks & last piece of tiramisu cake T-T

6TH DAY. Bruises start forming on the back of my hand & left jaw too

7TH DAY. No more swelling. Able to chew on soft food (still have to peel the chicken into small pieces)

*1st pic: Can see my jaw line already & bruises became more obvious
*2nd pic: My dinner's finally not just porridge anymore, but my favorite grilled chicken wing
*3rd pic: Bruise on right cheeks more greenish, but left cheeks are weaker
*4th pic: Last pic with the stitches before removal next day (there's stitches on upper part too)

πŸ’œ -> Watch Part 1 vlog: Wisdom Teeth Extraction & Recovery Week on YouTube <- πŸ’œ


(7 days after surgery/8th day of surgery)

I've heard all sorts of stitches removal experience from friends and family around me & again, all I can get in return was that the stiches removal is much more painful than the surgery itself: 9/10 vs. 5/10

πŸ‘GOOD NEWS. Weights lifted off my mind.
All I can feel was that they used the dental college tweezers to hold my gums, then the fine-pointed scissors to go through my swollen gums to remove the suture. I closed my eyes tightly cause I'm anxious & trying to distract myself by listening to Dr. and kakak nurse conversation about the stitches & wound condition of the previous patient vs. mine (they said mine healed so much more faster than the patient..?). Without me realizing, they've done the procedure in 5 minutes. I can feel some blood taste in my mouth & after rinsing it off, I feel nothing anymore. My gums feels much more lighter & no more pulling sensation at all (or accidentally pulled the suture when my tongue glides through my teeth). Dr. Wong prescribed me another 20 days of the Neurobion again, just in case. I'll have to go back for the last checkup of the overall surgery & nerve damage healing next month.

I can smile & close my teeth better after removing the stiches. Bruises became yellowish

1. Dr. spoke to me in full Chinese this time ideky;
2. There's another patient has the exact same full name as me, so I have to give my English name to them to prevent confusion lol (maybe that's why the previous point happened πŸ€”);
3. I can get my braces straight away after stitches removal (but my gums & molar teeth are still feeling weak while chewing food even after 1 week, so I'm only getting it done 2 weeks after this).

2ND DAY after stitches removal. The wounds are still not all closed yet, but no more discomfort/bleeding, just weak Molar teeth especially when chewing food

3RD DAY after stitches removal. Bruises only on right side

4TH DAY after stitches removal. No more bruises

6TH DAY after stitches removal. Wounds look more closer apart. But the side effect is that food debris, especially oats, rice & corn will stuck at the holes. Every night before going to bed, I'll have to make sure I gargle a few times to flush out the food residues to prevent cavities or inflammation.

Last pic with my teeth before transferring to container.
(Left) Full upper teeth; (Right) Bottom teeth that are all separated :(
(don't worry it's clean & already soaked in water overnight twice)

πŸ’œ -> Watch Part 2 vlog: Wisdom Teeth Extraction Stitches Removal on YouTube <- πŸ’œ

Overall, Wong Dental Specialist Clinic's doctor & nurses are all quite friendly. You can rest assured that they are able to communicate with you in English, Chinese, Cantonese or Malay language. Dr. Wong is the sedationist himself, very patient in answering my concerns prior and after surgery, called me back after working hours to follow-up, didn't even charge me at all for the extra medications of the Neurobion Vitamin B that he gave me thrice (80 capsules in total + July's follow-up 40 capsules again) & did everything on his own even until stitches removal (of course with a few nurses as assistant everytime).

The nurses, even at the reception didn't show any bad service at all as the blog posts from 10 years ago. They're kind enough to answer my questions patiently even after my sedation (I'm pretty sure when my sedation was still not totally wore off, I've asked a few weird & random questions after the surgery that's already on the leaflet before I went home lol). 

Contact details sent by my dental clinic

You can also WhatsApp them at +6017-3558808 for any enquiries.


πŸ’–Note: If you've read till this far, give yourself a pat on the back. I really appreciate a lot for your patience (especially those graphic contents lol) & interest in my post. I'll write about my braces journey in the future too or I might just update on my YouTube channel that I'll be linking it here. I wish you all the best if you're reading this before your extraction or even if you're just reading my experience for fun. Stay home, stay safe, stay healthy & take care. xx <3

Also check out my blogpost πŸ‘‡
πŸ’œThings I've learned from my wisdom teeth extraction & post-wisdom teeth removal recovery -> here <- πŸ’œ

Or my braces vlog week πŸ‘‡
πŸ’œ -> here <- πŸ’œ

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